
Tuesday, September 14, 2004

One for the bloggers

I just read an interesting piece on a type of political blogging... ...or something like that.
"Bloggers drive hoax probe into Bush memos" is the headline.. Maybe some of you read it already and couldn't give a rats ass. But some may find it is a fun fact. You be the judge, and let me know if it makes you feel good about being a blogger. I am an amateur to these bloggers, but still I am proud of what I can report.

Go Bloggers! Go!


  • The same thing happened when Trent Lott made that bogus speech for Senator Strom Thurmond and how this country would be better off with a racist as president.

    Blogging is a very real force in politics, even if it is just an undercurrent.


    writen & directed by Anonymous Anonymous, at around 10:05 AM  

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