Fuzzy Wuzzy?
Have you heard of Heywood Wakefield Co.? They made furniture in the early to mid 1900's. They made 1950's modern furniture that was off the hizzle. If you know of any auctions, or anyone that might be selling this furniture (at a decent price), let me in on the actizzle, my frizzle. SW
On a side note. I can't wait for football season to commence. I hear the Rat Pack is Back!
Actually, I didn't hear that. I was just hoping. Go Packers!
If you are interested in Heywood Wakefield in the least, visit SpringDale Concierge to find out about the Modern age of good furnizzle.
Sorry if I offended anywizzle with my typizzle izzy wizzle. That reminds me, Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear, Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair, Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't really fuzzy, wuzzy?
On a side note. I can't wait for football season to commence. I hear the Rat Pack is Back!
Actually, I didn't hear that. I was just hoping. Go Packers!
If you are interested in Heywood Wakefield in the least, visit SpringDale Concierge to find out about the Modern age of good furnizzle.
Sorry if I offended anywizzle with my typizzle izzy wizzle. That reminds me, Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear, Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair, Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't really fuzzy, wuzzy?
Yizzle Dizzle my Lizzle Sizzle!
Tizzle Chrizzle I said Hizzizzle.
writen & directed by
Mo-Pie, at around 4:37 PM
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