
Friday, August 26, 2005

The Friday Ritual...

Every Friday, when we get home from work/school my wife and I remind ourselves that, it is indeed Friday, and we give each other a nice big Hi Five. Afterwards we do a fist pump, and say, yesssssss! It really helps to kick off the weekend right, and it puts you in a good mood and everything. So next time you are with your wife, husband, girlfriend, boyfriend, friend or anyone you can find, I want you to look them right in the face, and say...

"It's Friiidaayyy!" As you raise your hand in the air, and wait for that person to give you a Hi Five. Then, after the Hi Five has commenced; do one of those fist pumps I told you about, right down by your hip, just a really tiny one and say...


This is what we do, and all I'm say’in is it makes you feel better for your entire weekend. Give it a try, and I know that you'll be glad that you did.

Caution: If you are going to try this, just be forewarned. It will only work if you do this on a Friday. No Thursday’s, and definitely no Wednesday’s. It just doesn’t feel the same, and you might even ruin it for yourself if you were planning on doing it on Friday anyway’s.


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